Our Dealer program Is back.

With preparation for our World Tour and expanding our line, we are bringing back our dealer program. One time signup fee gives all dealers 50% off our entire collection and the right to resell at retail pricing. One time signup fee. Available worldwide.

  • Dealers can buy our merchandise at 50% off.

  • They can resell our products at retail in their own store or in person.

  • They agree to represent the Ana Brandt Brand.

  • With prior approval can sell at workshops.

  • Onetime fee.

Why is it back? Ana is expanding her line and will be adding new custom items, new props and it is difficult to travel and sell product. Dealers with prior approval can bringing merchandise to sell at workshops and sell in their own groups or stores (similar to LuLaRoe). They can purchase anything at 50% off and resell at retail pricing. There is a onetime fee to join. Available in any state or country.

Current dealers

Autumn Keel - Minnesota

Chrissy Lamoureux- Toronto

Evelyn Williams - Atlanta

Heather Ward Tietjen - New York

Laurie ONeill - Long Island

Linda Morales New Jersey

Nancy Cooman - Germany

Sissi Orozco - Mexico

Tina Alaniz- California

Liorah Rebecca - Vegas

Lizette Olivarez-Brown  - Texas

Ελένη Νταγάκη - Greece


Do you allow multiple Dealers in the same state?

yes we do - we believe there are a ton of photographers in many areas that still do not know about our products.

Can dealers buy at 40% off for use for themselves and not resell?

Yes you can.

Can dealers sell in their own Etsy store, own FB group or own store?


Is the fee annual?

No - one fee to join us.

I was a previous consultant do I need to pay again? Yes but ask Ana for a discount - we changed the terms and increased the discount so there is a fee but there is a discount for previous consultants.

When can I start getting product at 40% off - within 24 hours of signing up - you will receive a special code to shop and a $250 credit coupon.

Can I sell at your world your and workshops?

Sometimes yes - with advance notice - one dealer per workshop

Can I host my own sales?


Is this for any Country?


Do I get a discount off of destash?

In the shop-Anabrandt destash group we give 25% instead of 40% since its discounted.

other questions? email ana@anabrandt.com